Your own error code

I was recently implementing the “classification of error conditions” in my application offered by the functionality behind std::error_code. In this post I want to share some of my experience and insight.

C++11 comes with a quite sophisticated mechanism for classifying error conditions. You may have encountered names like “error code”, “error condition”, error category”, but figuring out what good they are, and how to use them is difficult. The only valuable source of information on the subject in the Internet is a series of blog posts by Christopher Kohlhoff, the author of Boost.Asio library:

And this was a really good start for me. But still, I believe it would be beneficial to have more than one source of information, and more than one way of explaining the subject. So here we go…

The problem

First, why I need it. I have a service for looking for flight connections. You tell me where from and where to you want to go, and I will offer you concrete flights, and a price. In order to be able to do this, my service calls other services in turn:

  • one for finding the (short) sequence of flights that will take you to your destination,
  • one for checking if there is still seats available on these flights in the requested class of service (economy class, business class),

Each of these services can fail for a number of reasons. Reasons for failure — different for each service — can be enumerated. For instance the authors of these two services chose the following enumerations:

enum class FlightsErrc
  // no 0
  NonexistentLocations = 10, // requested airport doesn't exist
  DatesInThePast,            // booking flight for yesterday
  InvertedDates,             // returning before departure
  NoFlightsFound       = 20, // did not find any combination
  ProtocolViolation    = 30, // e.g., bad XML
  ConnectionError,           // could not connect to server
  ResourceError,             // service run short of resources
  Timeout,                   // did not respond in time
enum class SeatsErrc
  // no 0
  InvalidRequest = 1,    // e.g., bad XML
  CouldNotConnect,       // could not connect to server
  InternalError,         // service run short of resources
  NoResponse,            // did not respond in time
  NonexistentClass,      // requested class does not exist
  NoSeatAvailable,       // all seats booked

Some things to observe here. First, the reasons for failure are quite similar in either service, but they are assigned different names and different numeric values. This is because two services are developed independently by two different teams. This also means that the same numeric value can refer to two completely different conditions depending on which service reported it.

Second, as can be seen from the names, the causes for failure come from different sources:

  • environment: internal problem in the service (e.g., with resources),
  • miscommunication: between two services,
  • user: providing incorrect data in request,
  • just bad luck: no error actually, but no response can be returned to the user because e.g., all seats have been sold out.

Now, what do I really need those different error codes for? If any of these errors occurs we want to stop processing the current request from the user. When I can offer no flight connection to him, I only want to distinguish the following situations:

  1. you gave us illogical request,
  2. no airline we are aware of is able to offer you a trip,
  3. there is some problem with the system which you will not understand but which prevents us from giving you the requested answer.

On the other hand, for the purpose of internal audit, or looking for bugs in the logs, we want a more detailed information to be put into logs, like which system reported the failure, and what actually happened. This can be encoded in an integer number. Any more details, like ports on which we tried to connect, or what database we tried to connect, are likely to be logged separately, so the data encoded in ints should be sufficient.

The std::error_code

The Standard Library std::error_code is designed to hold exactly this type of information: a number representing the status, and a “domain” within which this number is assigned meaning. In other words, an std::error_code is a pair: {int, domain}. This is reflected in its interface:

void inspect(std::error_code ec)
  ec.value();    // the int value
  ec.category(); // the domain

But you almost never want to inspect an error_code this way. As we already said, the two things we want to do is to log the state of the error_code as it was constructed (without being later transformed by higher layers of the application), and to use it to answer a specific question, like “is this error caused by the user providing data he knew was incorrect”.

In case you ask yourself, why use std::error_code instead of exceptions, let me clarify: the two things are not mutually exclusive. I want to report failures in my program through exceptions. It is that inside the exception, rather than storing and parsing strings, I just want to contain an error_code that I can easily inspect. std::error_code has nothing to do with avoiding exceptions. Also, in my use case I do not feel a compelling reason to have many different types of exceptions. I just need one: I will catch them only in one (or two) places and I will tell the different situations by inspecting the error_code object.

Plugging your enumeration

Now, we want to adapt the std::error_code so that it can store error situations from the Flights service described above:

enum class FlightsErrc
  // no 0
  NonexistentLocations = 10, // requested airport doesn't exist
  DatesInThePast,            // booking flight for yesterday
  InvertedDates,             // returning before departure
  NoFlightsFound       = 20, // did not find any combination
  ProtocolViolation    = 30, // e.g., bad XML
  ConnectionError,           // could not connect to server
  ResourceError,             // service run short of resources
  Timeout,                   // did not respond in time

We should be able to convert from our enum to std::error_code:

std::error_code ec = FlightsErrc::NonexistentLocations;

But our enumeration must meet one condition: numeric value 0 must not represent an error situation. 0 represents a success in any error domain (category). This expectation is later exploited when we are inspecting an std::error_code object:

void inspect(std::error_code ec)
  if (ec) // equivalent to: ec.value() != 0

In this sense the mentioned blog post has it incorrect that numeric value 200 indicates success.

So this is what we did: we did not start the enumeration of FlightsErrc with 0. This in turn implies that we can create the enumeration that does not correspond to any of the enumerated values:

FlightsErrc fe {};

This is an important characteristic of enums in C++ (even the C++11 enum classes): you can create values from outside the enumerated range. It is for this reason that compilers issue a warning in switch-statement that “not all control paths return value” even though you have a case label for every enumeration.

Now, back to the conversion, std::error_code has a converting constructor template that looks more-less like this:

template <class Errc>
  requires is_error_code<Errc>::value
error_code(Errc e) noexcept
  : error_code{make_error_code(e)}

(Of course, I used yet non-existent concepts syntax, but you get the idea: this constructor is only visible when std::is_error_code<Errc>::value evaluates to true.)

This constructor is meant to be a customization hook for plugging custom error enumerations into the system. In order to plug FlightsErrc, we have to make sure that:

  1. std::is_error_code<Errc>::value returns true,
  2. Function make_error_code taking FlightsErrc is defined and accessible through argument-dependent lookup.

Regarding the first part, we need to specialize the standard type trait:

namespace std
  template <>
    struct is_error_code_enum<FlightsErrc> : true_type {};

This is one of these situations where declaring something in namespace std is legal.

Regarding the second part, we just need to declare function overload make_error_code in the same namespace as enum FlightsErrc:

enum class FlightsErrc;
std::error_code make_error_code(FlightsErrc);

And this is all that other parts of the program/library need to see, and what we have to provide in the header file. The rest is the implementation of function make_error_code and we can put it in a separate translation unit (a .cpp file).

With this in place, we can make an impression that FlightsErrc is an error_code:

std::error_code ec = FlightsErrc::NoFlightsFound;
assert (ec == FlightsErrc::NoFlightsFound);
assert (ec != FlightsErrc::InvertedDates);

Defining error category

So far, I have only been saying that error_code is a pair: {number, domain}, where the first element uniquely identifies the particular error situation within the domain, and the second uniquely identifies the domain of errors across all possible error domains that will ever be conceived. But given that this domain ID should be stored in one machine word, how can we guarantee that it will be unique across all libraries currently in the market and those yet to come? We are hiding the domain ID as an implementation detail. If we are to use another third-party library with its own error enumeration, how can we guarantee that their domain ID will not be equal to ours?

The solution chosen for std::error_code relies on the observation that for every global object (or more formally: namespace-scope object) a unique address is assigned. No matter how many libraries are combined together, with how many globals, each global has a unique address — this is quite obvious.

In order to exploit this, we have to associate with every type that wants to be plugged into the error_code system a unique global object, and then use its address as an ID. Now, this implies using pointers for representing domains, and this is indeed what std::error_code is doing. But now, that we store some T* the question is what the T should be. The choice is quite clever: let’s use a type that can offer us additional benefits. The type T used is std::error_category, and the additional benefit is in its interface:

class error_category {
  virtual const char* name() const noexcept = 0;
  virtual string message(int ev) const = 0;
  // other members ...

I used name “domain”, the Standard Library uses name “error category” for the same purpose.

It has pure virtual member functions, which already suggests something: we will be storing pointers to classes derived from std::error_category: each new error enum requires a new corresponding class to be derived from std::error_category. Usually having pure virtual functions implies allocating objects on the heap, but we will do no such things. We will be creating global objects and pointing to them.

There are more virtual member functions in std::error_category that on other occasions need to be customized, but we will not have to do it for the purpose of plugging our FlightsErrc.

Now, for each custom error “domain” represented by a class derived from std::error_category, we need to override two member functions. Function name is expected to return a short mnemonic-like descriptive name of this error category (domain). Function message assigns a text description for every numeric error value in this domain. In order to illustrate it better, let’s define an error category for our enum FlightsErrc. Remember, this class only needs to be visible in one translation unit. In other files we will just be using an address to its instance.

namespace { // anonymous namespace

struct FlightsErrCategory : std::error_category
  const char* name() const noexcept override;
  std::string message(int ev) const override;

const char* FlightsErrCategory::name() const noexcept
  return "flights";

std::string FlightsErrCategory::message(int ev) const
  switch (static_cast<FlightsErrc>(ev))
  case FlightsErrc::NonexistentLocations:
    return "nonexistent airport name in request";
  case FlightsErrc::DatesInThePast:
    return "request for a date from the past";

  case FlightsErrc::InvertedDates:
    return "requested flight return date before departure date";

  case FlightsErrc::NoFlightsFound:
    return "no filight combination found";

  case FlightsErrc::ProtocolViolation:
    return "received malformed request";

  case FlightsErrc::ConnectionError:
    return "could not connect to server";

  case FlightsErrc::ResourceError:
    return "insufficient resources";

  case FlightsErrc::Timeout:
    return "processing timed out";

    return "(unrecognized error)";

const FlightsErrCategory theFlightsErrCategory {};


Function name provides a short text that is used while streaming out an std::error_code into things like logs: it can help you identify the cause of an error. It does not have to be unique across all different error enums: in the worst case log entries will be ambiguous.

Function message provides a descriptive message for any numeric value representing an error in our category. This can be helpful in debugging or browsing logs; but you would probably not want to give this text to the users unprocessed. These messages are close to the comments I initially put in the definition of FlightsErrc.

This function is usually called indirectly. The callers cannot know that the numeric error value is a FlightsErrc, so we have to explicitly cast it back to FlightsErrc. I believe the example in the aforementioned article does not compile due to the omitted static_cast. Now after the cast, there is a risk that we will be inspecting a value from outside the enumerated set: therefore we need the default label. (Interestingly, whenever I decide to use enum class in my programs, I immediately find myself in need of static_casting it either to or from int.)

Finally, note that we have initialized a global object of our type FlightsErrCategory. This will be the only object of this type in the program. We will need its address (to tell error_codes from different domains), but also we will use its polymorphic properties.

Although class std::error_category is not a literal type, it has a constexpr default constructor. The implicitly declared default constructor of our class FlightsErrCategory inherits this constexpr-ness. Thus, we are guaranteed that the initialization of our global object is performed during constant initialization, as described in this post, and is therefore free from any static initialization order fiasco.

Now, the last missing part is implementing make_error_code:

std::error_code make_error_code(FlightsErrc e)
  return {static_cast<int>(e), theFlightsErrCategory};

And we are done. Our FlightsErrc can be used as if it was an std::error_code:

int main()
  std::error_code ec = FlightsErrc::NoFlightsFound;
  std::cout << ec << std::endl;

The following program will output:


A full working example illustrating all the above can be found here.

And that’s it for today. What we have still not covered is how to make useful queries on std::error_code objects, but this will be the subject of another post.


I am grateful to Tomasz Kamiński for explaining to me the idea behind std::error_code. Apart form Christopher Kohlhoff’s series of posts, I was also able to learn about std::error_code form the documentation of Niall Douglas’s Outcome library, here.

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27 Responses to Your own error code

  1. TBBle says:

    Based on your comment about ‘200 is success’ being problematic, I started a discussion thread on the ISO C++ Standard – Discussion list:

    I’d be really interested to know your thoughts on that, either here or there, as I’m considering putting in a proposal to “fix” the boolean behaviour of std::error_code and std::error_condition.

    • Thanks. The thread is interesting. Regarding your fix, I can only repeat the suggestion I have heard once from Adam Badura. The Standard could be modified so that std::error_category provides another virtual member function:

      // Not C++ (just phantasizing)
      virtual is_success(int ec) const { return ec == 0; }

      By default it tests for zero, but you can override it for error codes were success can also be represented by something else.

  2. Thanks for the explanation! However for custom error codes shouldn’t std::error_condition used instead of std::error_code since the latter is defined as “holds a platform-dependent error code”?

  3. magras says:

    Small mistake:
    Function name provides a descriptive message -> Function message provides a descriptive message

    And thank you for really good articles about C++ in depth.

  4. sevcio says:

    Like the post. Spotted typo in the beggining “…chose the following enuerations…”.

  5. How this is different from having an exception for each domain/category and keep the related error codes and code-to-message function within the class itself? We can catch specific domain/category exception with separate catch block. Do you see any advantage in using error_code over this approach?

    • First let me remark that error_codes are not meant to be a replacement for exceptions. They just provide a useful means of storing and obtaining information. You can as well store error_codes inside exceptions.

      Now, to your question, imagine you have 4 systems (A, B, C and D), each using their own set of codes for reporting failures.But each of them can run out of file handles. Each of them reports this shortage of file handles in its own way. But at some point the programmer needs to know, “did any of the system report having run out of system handles? Using exceptions and try catches, it would become really tedious:

      catch (AException const& e) {
      catch (BException const& e) {
      catch (CException const& e) {
      catch (DException const& e) {

      And then, when you add a fifth system E, and it also has to report “out of file handles” you will have to insect all try-catch blocks in your program and see if you do not need to add an additional catch. — You will surely get it wrong.

      • Thanks for the reply. Though I understand your point but I don’t get how it is solved by using error code until there is standard error code for “out of file handles” defined in C++ standard library itself. Otherwise each system have to define their own error code for “out of file handles” as there is no common error code for the failure. If the standard library provides a common error code then it could also provide standard exception for this failure(like “bad_alloc”) and the systems can throw that exception to represent “out of file handles” situation.

        • Yes, all these systems could throw bad_alloc but that would not be the situation you started with: “having an exception for each domain/category and keep the related error codes and code-to-message function within the class itself”.

          On the other hand, even if there is no predefined system error code for “out of file handles” you can still introduce one, and then define mapping from all systems A, B, C, D in a single place.

        • Actually I do exactly the same for exception. For system failures like “out of file handles” I define common exception which would be thrown by systems A, B, C and D.

        • And for your use case this might be just enough. It might turn out to be insufficient if there was a need to tell from which system the failure originated.

  6. says:

    Great tutorial for me , thanks a lot!

  7. Dmytro Ovdiienko says:


    How did you solve your question?
    > you gave us illogical request,
    > no airline we are aware of is able to offer you a trip,
    > there is some problem with the system which you will not understand but which prevents us from giving you the requested answer.

    Looks like there is no silver bullet and you should go through all error codes and group them manually:
    1. Wrong input data:
    * FlightsErrc::NonexistentLocations
    * FlightsErrc::DatesInThePast
    * SeatsErrc::WrongFlight
    2. no airline we are aware of is able to offer you a trip
    * FlightsErrc::NoFlightsFound


  8. Pingback: Static Exceptions – Code Vamping

  9. Pingback: Error handling now and tomorrow – C++ blogging

  10. Rob Stewart says:

    Below are some suggested edits. It’s a long list. I captured each point as I went through the post. I’m sure you’ll want to delete this post once you apply the changes or at least capture them elsewhere for later application. (I’ve used sed/vi-style search-and-replace syntax in the list.)

    * s/You tell me where from and where to you want to go/You tell me where you’re starting and where you’re going”/
    * s/if there is still seats/if there are still seats/
    * s/similar in either service/similar in each service/
    * Inconsistent use of “those” versus “these” in, “what do I really need those different error codes for? If any of these errors occurs if we….” (I’d prefer “those” in both cases.)
    * Inconsistent use of “I” versus “we” versus “us” in, for example, the same quote above
    * s/you gave us illogical request/you gave us an illogical request/
    * s/the purpose of internal audit/the purpose of internal auditing/
    * s/want a more detailed information/want more detailed information/
    * s/database we tried to connect/database we tried to connect to/
    * s/The Standard Library std::error_code/The Standard Library std::error_code class/
    * s/an std::error_code/std::error_code/ (appears more than once; this avoids issues for those that pronounce “std” as “stood” versus “ess tee dee”, like me!)
    * s/In case you ask yourself, why/In case you ask yourself why/
    * s/It is that inside the exception, rather than storing and parsing strings, I just want to contain an error_code that I can easily inspect/However, rather than storing and parsing strings in exceptions, I just want to store an error_code in the exception that I can easily inspect/
    * s/I will tell the different situations/I will distinguish the different situations/
    * s/But our enumeration must meet one condition/Note that our enumeration must meet one condition/ (best not to start with a conjunction)
    * s/So this is what we did: we did not start the enumeration of FlightsErrc with 0. This in turn implies that we can create the enumeration that does not correspond to any of the enumerated values/Since there is no FlightsErrc enumerator with a value of 0, it is possible to create an instance of FlightsErrc with a value of 0 which does not correspond to any enumerator/
    * s/you can create values from outside the enumerated range/you can create values other than the enumerated values, provided they are within range for the underlying type/ (what you wrote was wrong, likely due to phrasing, not intent)
    * s/in switch-statement/in switch statements/
    * s/label for every enumeration/label for every enumerator/
    * s/Now, back to the conversion, std::error_code/Now, back to the conversion. std::error_code/
    * s/looks more-less like this/looks more or less like this/
    * s/In order to plug FlightsErrc/In order to plug in FlightsErrc/
    * s/make an impression/give the impression/
    * s/a pair: {number, domain}, where/a {number, domain} pair where/
    * s/But now, that we store some T* the question is what the T should be/Now that we know we’re going to store some T*, the question is what the T should be/
    * s/I used name “domain”, the Standard Library uses name/While I used the name “domain”, the Standard Library uses the name/
    * s/It has pure virtual member functions/error_category has pure virtual member functions/ (vague antecedent)
    * s/from std::error_category: each new error enum/from std::error_category. Each new error enum/
    * s/purpose of plugging our/purpose of plugging in our/
    * s/Function name provides a short text/Function name provides a short string/
    * s/like logs: it can/like logs. It can/ (s/:/;/ would also work)
    * s/error enums: in the worst case/error enums. In the worst case/ (s:/;/ would also work)
    * s/This function is usually called indirectly/Function message is usually called indirectly/
    * s/And we are done. Our FlightsErrc can/Now our FlightsErrc can/ (best not to start with a conjunction)
    * s/The following program will output/That program will output/ (the code precedes the text)
    * s/And that’s it for today/That’s it for today/
    * s/but this will be the subject/but that will be the subject/

  11. Pingback: Error handling in the C++ language | C++ - don't panic!

  12. Sanket Patel says:

    Why NO 0,

    enum class FlightsErrc
    // no 0
    NonexistentLocations = 10, // requested airport doesn’t exist
    DatesInThePast, // booking flight for yesterday
    InvertedDates, // returning before departure
    NoFlightsFound = 20, // did not find any combination
    ProtocolViolation = 30, // e.g., bad XML
    ConnectionError, // could not connect to server
    ResourceError, // service run short of resources
    Timeout, // did not respond in time

    • There exist two “philosophies” explaining what std::error_code represents. One says, “it is only errors”, and in this model functions return either value or std::error_code. The other says, “it is status codes”: both errors and just any other information about the function’s performance, such as HTTP 200 for “OK”, “partial success”. In this model functions always return status: sometimes it represents failure, sometimes success, and perhaps there is even no strict line between success and failure. This is a weak side of std::error_code that it doesn’t specify clearly which of these two models it represents.

      In this post I assumed the first model: it is only for errors. Zero usually represents success, so it doesn’t fit. There is also a more technical reason. The interface of std::error_code has a contextual conversion to bool — which is implemented by comparing the numeric value of the error to zro. This is covered in detail in this post.

  13. Pingback: [fix dev diary] Week 4: Closing in on core domain code - Simplify C++!

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