Alternate list-initialization

#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>

// 1. Implementing a variadic logical AND
template <bool...> struct bool_sequence {};
template <bool... Bs>
using bool_and
 = std::is_same<bool_sequence<Bs...>,
                bool_sequence<(Bs || true)...>>;
// 2. Helper function to test implicit conversion 
template <typename T>
  std::true_type create(T v);
// 3a. Test for conversion and non-narrowing
template <typename T, typename U>
  decltype(create<U>({std::declval<T>()})) // <- braces
// 3b. Fallback function if sfinae fails on 3a
template <typename T, typename U>
  std::false_type test_nonnarow_conv(long);
// 3c. Single-argument conversion trait
template <typename T, typename U>
  using is_nonarrow_convertible
  = decltype(test_nonnarow_conv<T, U>(0));
// 4. Our multi-argument trait
template <typename T, typename... Ts>
  using nonarrow_convertible
  = bool_and<is_nonarrow_convertible<Ts, T>::value...>;

# define REQUIRES(...)                                      \
  typename std::enable_if<(__VA_ARGS__), bool>::type = true \
template <typename T>
class Vec
  std::vector<T> _vect;
  template <typename... UList,
          REQUIRES(nonarrow_convertible<T, UList...>::value)>
  Vec(UList &&... vs)
    process(std::forward<UList>(vs)...); // decompose
  template <typename U, typename... UList>
  void process(U && v, UList &&... vs)
  void process() {} // end recursion  

int main()
    Vec<int> v {1, 2, 3};
    Vec<int> u {};
    Vec<int> w {1, 2};
    Vec<std::unique_ptr<int>> pv { std::make_unique<int>(1),
                                   std::make_unique<int>(2) };
    std::cout << v._vect[0] << " "
              << v._vect[1] << " "
              << v._vect[2] << std::endl;